Sunday, May 15, 2011

couple of cards and a box

My dh is a high school drama teacher.  His play was this weekend and he had a few sets of parent volunteers to thank so of course I whipped up a few cards for him.  His high school is small and there isn't a lot of community support for drama because most of it goes to sports.  However, over the last few years a few parents have stepped up and started feeding the drama group pizza on the nite of their dress rehearsal.  Another parent gives up his time helping my husband build the set.  Now you will understand the cards I chose to make:-)  I also made a small cookie tower for the dad who helped with the set cuz he put in some long nights.  Nothing fancy, but it gave the kids a chance to be grateful.


  1. Awesome. THey will be loved

  2. These are so cute! Great job on both :) I think your pizza card would work at this week's Fantabulous Cricut challenge.

  3. What a perfect set for the parents.

  4. I just love these cards they are so cute. I wanted to let you know I have awarded you the cricut-tastic award. Be sure to stop by my blog to claim it.

